It has become imperative these days for workers to have a feeling of high morale with the company they work for. An article by Harvard Business Review cited a study by the Queens School of Business and a study by the Gallup Organization which both revealed that disengaged workers had 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents and 60% more errors and defects in their work. Neglecting to show appreciation for your workers can lead to your workforce feeling undervalued and unacknowledged in what they are providing every day to help grow the business. If you are just starting to implement practices to help boost  morale or are looking for new ideas to do so, then here are some important ways that will help show your workforce they are appreciated.

Quarterly Reviews:

It is important as a manager/hr rep. to sit down with your staff and go over, in detail, all the ways that a worker is performing at an exceptional level. Quarterly reviews are a tremendous tool to use to give official recognition to a worker’s high level of performance. They are also useful for discussing with an employee any concerns you might have with their work ethic and what can be done to correct any issues. Sitting down with your employees on a quarterly basis allows a worker to compile any ideas, comments and concerns they might have with the company and lets them share it with their superior in a professional environment. By receiving constructive criticism, being acknowledged for their hard work and being able to share their own thoughts, employee morale can greatly increase from quarterly reviews.

Open Door-Policy

Much like a quarterly review, an open-door policy allows workers to speak to their supervisor about any ideas or comments they have about their position with the company. The difference is that an open-door policy is something that is available to workers on a daily basis. It is important for workers to feel like they can come talk and share with their boss whenever possible. Providing a policy that promotes constant communication with your workforce is excellent for helping your employees feel connected with management which in turn, can help boost morale.

Proper Compensation:

An article from the Peterson Institute for International Economics lists multiple studies showing that a worker who is properly compensated for their work and effort is more productive than a worker who is underpaid. If you know when a worker is performing at a high level on a consistent basis, it is important to properly compensate that employee or run the risk of having that worker feel unappreciated. A worker who is not compensated properly could lead to a drop-in production from the employee or even risk losing them to a different company. Wages shouldn’t be the only reason a worker wants to be with a company but it is one the top reasons. It is a business at the end of the day. Therefore, those workers that help grow your business deserve to be acknowledge for their efforts with proper compensation.


REMINDER: Always check with your HR department and/or legal department to ensure that all your business practices abide by the regulations provided by the EEOC as well as all other state and federal labor laws.


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